Monday, June 29, 2009

Teaching Hinduism in schools

Dear friends,


This morning I was reading a weekly Malay women magazine called Majalah Wanita ... there is one thought provoking article - true story. ... [nothing new]

a new convert relate his reason for converting to a new religion ;

" saya dibesarkan dipersekitaran orang Melayu, bersekolah si sekolah rendah dam menengah kebangsaan ..membuat saya memiliki lebih ramai teman Melayu dari bangsa saya sendiri..dari situ sedikit demi sedikit saya dapat mengetahui mengenai agama Islam....sejak tingkatan 4 saya bercita2 untuk menjadi peguam , oleh itu saya bertemu seorang cikgu yang menasihatkan saya mengambil mata pelajaran sejarah dan tasawuf Islam -undang2 islam. ......"
AND ...
he further claims that his whole family were planning to convert into Christianity due to ouverty during his deep involvement in Islam ..." Ibu dan bapanya merupakan penganut Hindu yang taat...sehinggalah dia mengetahui bahawa ibu bapanya bertukar agama kerana masalah kewangan dan kemorosotan dalam perniagaan"
page 112 , Majalah Wanita June 2009


Malaysia Hindudharma Mamandram initiated a module for primary 1-6 on teaching hinduism in primary schools. The plan was completed years ago and Mandram was tabling the same to the Ministry of Education. Recently Mandram under the leadership of Dr.NS Rajendran submitted the proposal to the then Education Minister YB Hishammudin.

Mandram on his on effort has conducted module training and experiment the sylabus before submitting for goverment's approval.

As a responsible Hindu , we must support the noble and sincere work of Mandram and give our sincere commitment to make this project a success. WE should, via our parliment representives, NGO leaders,temples and schools voice our support for this project to materialise

We hope the people-first government will view the teaching of religious lessons for all pupil as their priority too.

When a child is taught the basic and fundamental values of Hindu Dharma we can wipe out case or cases like in the above article.

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