HINDRAF is not a political , social or an NGo . it was formed as an ad-hoc to address the memorandum issue. It was formed by many NGOs because they need a nuetral name and for security or no guts reason many national NGOs refused to commit 100% on championing issues facing the Indian community. I am saying it because I was part of an active NGO.
So in today's malaysiakini , reporter Kabilan mentioned that , there is a plot to oust Samy vellu and it seems Hindraf and YB MP for Kapar is behind it. Believe me it will never materialse.
I still believe MIC can deliver if there is a real Branding and restructuring done to the party. Move to appoint a new Treasurer General is a good one if the aim was to regain trust.
The most effective will be for the president to come out and annouce his retirement and let the key national leaders offer their service as presidential candidates. samy vellu shoud move out in March 2009.
MIC need brand new national leaders. The party's rebranding and restructuring is taking too long and people are not impressed with the ongoing politicing in the party . its almost a year after the terrible general election defeat unlike the other parties in BN like Gerakan,Umno and MCA are already into many phases of rebranding and appointing new party leaders.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I must salute and say thank you to 32 ijn hearts. You have shown fellow malaysians that medical practice is a service and not business. I had one experience when a a specialist whom I know based in PMC Pantai KL Dato Dr Sreenivasan told me that his is a service and not business when I asked him " Hello Dato How are you ? How is business?
Profession such as teacher , lawyer and doctor is a divine service. people in this cirle are highly respected and recognised by society. Hindus especially encourage their children to be one in future. Its has nothing to do with status but purely service or close to God.
So , in a multi religious country like Malaysia , many doctors , lawyers and teachers must stand as good role model because every religion teaches to be good servant of God.
Let us wish the IJN and staffs good health and prosperous in life
Merry X mas and happy holiday.
Profession such as teacher , lawyer and doctor is a divine service. people in this cirle are highly respected and recognised by society. Hindus especially encourage their children to be one in future. Its has nothing to do with status but purely service or close to God.
So , in a multi religious country like Malaysia , many doctors , lawyers and teachers must stand as good role model because every religion teaches to be good servant of God.
Let us wish the IJN and staffs good health and prosperous in life
Merry X mas and happy holiday.
Friday, October 24, 2008
in nationality we are malaysian
i am shocked and cant believe it when i read tony puah's blog regarding home minister syed albar's views that a Chinese or Indian in his nationality column states Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indian...whereas Malay just write MALAYSIAN. This is not true Mr.Minister.... what are your trying to say....Let me put it in bahasa Malaysia ' BAGI STATUS WARGANEGARA KETURUNAN INDIA DAN CINA TIDAK SAMA SEKALI MENYATAKAN STATUS NYA SEPERTI 'MALAYSIAN CHINESE ATAU MALAYSIAN INDIAN. WARGANEGARA STATUS NYA 'MALAYSIAN' SAHAJA SEPERTI ORANG MELAYU. STATUS BAGI KAUM IA NYA DAN LAZIMNYA DITULIS SEBAGAI MALAYSIAN CHINESE ATAU MALAYSIAN INDIAN. ADA FAHAM. we are totally loyal to this country and no one has the rights to question our loyalty... I think someone here is trying to gain cheap political gain pending a party election campaign.... what a silly , stupid and selfish branding ....
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Malaysiakini's breaking news of Abdullah resigning in March 2009 is no surprise to most of us.
Malaysia is so pact with political news. mega important involving Prime Minister and other senior politicians. Name it -all aspiring politicians are into party elections be it in UMNO , MCA or Gerakan. 2008 will witness new leaders born again in many major parties, Not forgeting the darling of the rakyat datuk seri anwar ibrahim - still driving the hope of forming a new government. Hope and Change are two secret mantras.
The nation however do not get drunk with politicians - we must push for better economic environment - decrease in fuel price further and ensure Minister Shahrir does his work effectively. most crucial - stay UNITED and do not let SYAITAN to poison our mind.
Malaysia is so pact with political news. mega important involving Prime Minister and other senior politicians. Name it -all aspiring politicians are into party elections be it in UMNO , MCA or Gerakan. 2008 will witness new leaders born again in many major parties, Not forgeting the darling of the rakyat datuk seri anwar ibrahim - still driving the hope of forming a new government. Hope and Change are two secret mantras.
The nation however do not get drunk with politicians - we must push for better economic environment - decrease in fuel price further and ensure Minister Shahrir does his work effectively. most crucial - stay UNITED and do not let SYAITAN to poison our mind.
Monday, October 6, 2008
festival for the Goddess
NAVARATRI or Festival for Nine Nights is being celebrated by Hindus worldwide. In Malaysia ,Hindus celebrate in a grand manner but mainly in temples . Devotees seek blessings from Goddess Durga , Lakshmi and Saraswathi. Resemblance Power,Wealth and Knowledge.
The symbol of this festival is one must strive to attain the 3 qualities mentioned above and will find success in life. The search must be carried out with total devotion minus all greed and selfish.
All levels of people - right from children to elderly one is involved in the pooja [prayers] ... one concerned - the number of people/devotees attending Navaratri Pooja has declined.
I always tell missionary workers - time to come we will have place of worship minus devotees or a very small negligible number of devotees.
a serious awareness is required before its too late.... stop blaming ... everyone of us has a role to play .
The symbol of this festival is one must strive to attain the 3 qualities mentioned above and will find success in life. The search must be carried out with total devotion minus all greed and selfish.
All levels of people - right from children to elderly one is involved in the pooja [prayers] ... one concerned - the number of people/devotees attending Navaratri Pooja has declined.
I always tell missionary workers - time to come we will have place of worship minus devotees or a very small negligible number of devotees.
a serious awareness is required before its too late.... stop blaming ... everyone of us has a role to play .
make peace- form a united force
PM Abdullah is expected to announce his early exit soon. Yet he will have 6 months to work on many issues. PM Abdullah can still make his exit in style or something that Malaysians will remember forever. The Pakatan's March GE victory, the defeat of many BN big-guns but controversial figures and his refusal to appoint Rafidah into his cabinet shows he TRIED his best to fight mismanagement and corupt but HE IS ALONE IN THE RACE.... not even ONE SINGLE CABINET MINISTER IS WITH HIM TO FIGHT CORRUPTION...perhaps zaid , is an exception.
The one way of getting things done at all levels of people is for PM to call for an ALL PARTY meeting - involving BN and Pakatan parties to discuss on major national issues including the ISA and ways to fight inflation. secondly PM Abdullah should create a healthy working relationship between state-federal government of different parties. He will be remembered by rakyat for opening up the new 2 party approach in a professional manner. A good administer , Abdullah will be admired for his courage to face states run by opposition parties- establish the rapport of good working relationship. By doing so PM is sending a clear message to his fellow party men - that there is no short-cut for success and to unseat a opponent one need to work hard -earn it. unfortunately the most powerful portfolio is no longer under his control - thr MOF ?
The one way of getting things done at all levels of people is for PM to call for an ALL PARTY meeting - involving BN and Pakatan parties to discuss on major national issues including the ISA and ways to fight inflation. secondly PM Abdullah should create a healthy working relationship between state-federal government of different parties. He will be remembered by rakyat for opening up the new 2 party approach in a professional manner. A good administer , Abdullah will be admired for his courage to face states run by opposition parties- establish the rapport of good working relationship. By doing so PM is sending a clear message to his fellow party men - that there is no short-cut for success and to unseat a opponent one need to work hard -earn it. unfortunately the most powerful portfolio is no longer under his control - thr MOF ?
make khazanah the perfect CR
Khazanah has major stakes in many major corporates . the time has come for Khazanah to ensure people's welfare is given prime importance by private sectors like plantation,banking,media, medical and etc open up their minds into helping the middle and lower class population. Khazanah has made many capitalists in this country grown mega rich. ENOUGH of capitalism. People in general must benefit. Toll fee must come down,petrol price must show its rational for any increase in future , more crucial the education and health sectors must show mercy to the poor. Education and Good health care must reach every Malaysian and do not get excited by turning the 2 sectors into tourist revenue. a good government is one that provides good education , health and shelter. Khazanah has a prominent role to play. Prime Minister who is also the Chairman of Khazanah must make sure that PEOPLE benefit from Khazanah. The word Khazanah originally from Sanskrit means Gajanaa...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
when you unite - people win
even after the November Hindraf rally incident and the tragic March 8 GE. People ,particularly the indian based NGOs and political parties are not united. I still see Malaysia Hindu Sangam and Hindu Dharma Mandram still as rivals. MIC has yet to recover from the political Tsunami. Hindraf and splinter group Makal Sakthi is after each other. We are heading no where. Changes need sacrifices. The old and ineffective MUST GO .... no cosmatic changes ,people no longer believe in cosmatic branding. NGO must go down and work - meeting people and talking to them on issues. a LOT of serious field work is needed.... the call of the day is to UNITE. wake up and UNITE ...change before FORCED to change ...
Friday, September 19, 2008
another test for two party system
Malaysia is undergoing another test for 2 party system. asking for fair play will be too much. Both BN & Pakatan should display their strenght and ability to adminster governments under their control. Fair Play and mutual respect is the grounf rules.
Can both aspiring PMs show the right path to the nation ... next few days crucial
Can both aspiring PMs show the right path to the nation ... next few days crucial
Friday, September 12, 2008
MPs leave BN NOW
as reported in Malaysiakini news - Saudara Raja petra has gone to kamunting to join Hindraf and other brothers there. It is a sad day indeed for democracy , while Malaysians in general were preparing to celebrate 619 , this news affected our feeling a little bit down BUT NOT OUT.
the nation is waiting for saudara Anwar to take the lead and form the new government in a near future. There is no hurry but at the same time not to delay the formation of new government. DAP and PAS - must listen to MAKKAL SAKTHI - people's power and support Keadian in forming a new and JUST government ... do not get me wrong JUST has no relation with the NGO ...you know .. 3 days ago I was at the Chinese Assembly hall listening to Sdr Hisamudin Rais , YB Sivarasah and others in a forum ... YB Siva was in particular confident about the CHANGE , sdr Hisam was true to his spirit.. asking PAKATAN not to copy BN ..there must be structural changes... well , people has a choice now in a 2 party system....
the nation is waiting for saudara Anwar to take the lead and form the new government in a near future. There is no hurry but at the same time not to delay the formation of new government. DAP and PAS - must listen to MAKKAL SAKTHI - people's power and support Keadian in forming a new and JUST government ... do not get me wrong JUST has no relation with the NGO ...you know .. 3 days ago I was at the Chinese Assembly hall listening to Sdr Hisamudin Rais , YB Sivarasah and others in a forum ... YB Siva was in particular confident about the CHANGE , sdr Hisam was true to his spirit.. asking PAKATAN not to copy BN ..there must be structural changes... well , people has a choice now in a 2 party system....
Friday, September 5, 2008
as recent reporting in all webnews and blogs the BN MPs are on for a trip - to Australia organised by their club , and will be out of the country from 9-16 september? PM abdullah in a month ago ordered overseas trip to be called off due to economic reasons ; but now he has given his blessings for his MPs to go and hide ...ha ha ha . what a shame ? the whole BN government and his top leaders are so scared of 916 ... going to be toppled? whose money is it ? people's money right ? a final leakage before giving up ya!
Friday, August 22, 2008
thank you DS Wan Azizah
Malaysians must thank DS wan Azizah for the little drop of fuel price - less 15 cent from 2.70 now to 2.55.... its nothing but BN's cheap publicity but credit goes to PR... and I Pray for Tok Guru's speed recovery ... and his message to Rakyat
thanks to Malaysiakini & Pemudabesut ....
Alhamdulillah. Setelah sempat mengikuti sendiri proses penamaan calon di Permatang Pauh pada 16 Ogos 2008, sedarlah saya yang ia adalah sebuah pilihan raya kecil yang amat sengit. UMNO/BN melihat pertarungan ini perlu memberi kemenangan mandatori kerana kekalahan boleh membawa kepada Pakatan Rakyat maju ke hadapan untuk mara ke Putrajaya. Mereka cukup takut kedatangan tanggal 16 September 2008 kerana di sana ada sesuatu yang mereka percaya akan berlaku. Jadi menyekat DSAI adalah menjadi keutamaan mereka yang paling atas.Saudara/Saudari Sekalian,Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sedang berkempen untuk menghadapi Pilihan Raya Kecil Parlimen Permatang Pauh yang akan berlangsung pada 26 Ogos 2008 nanti. Kita semua maklum bahawa penyertaan beliau dalam pilihan raya kecil ini adalah untuk meneruskan perjuangan menegakkan keadilan sekaligus menentang penyalahgunaan kuasa, penyelewengan dan rasuah dalam pemerintahan negara seperti yang sedang kalut diperkatakan di dada-dada akhbar. Semua ini untuk membetulkan landasan supaya negara kita selamat dari ancaman kegelinciran iman, aqidah dan taqwa kepada Allah S.W.T.Walaupun telah dihina dan diaibkan dengan teruk 10 tahun lalu, saya perhatikan musuh-musuh yang tidak berperikemanusiaan tidak pernah puas untuk menzalimi beliau. Dengan modal yang sama, sekali lagi beliau difitnah dengan tuduhan yang tidak tergamak untuk saya menyebutnya.Saya tetap dengan pendirian bahawa fitnah terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar adalah konspirasi politik. Saya juga berpendirian bahawa sumpah yang dibuat oleh orang yang menuduh baru-baru ini penuh dengan persoalan dan keraguan.Atas kesedaran ini, jauh dari dasar hati biarpun terlantar di katil hospital, izinkan saya menggagahkan diri, merayu seluruh rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan fahaman politik menentang keras budaya fitnah dan konspirasi yang menjelekkan seumpama ini. Sikap protes ini harus lantang dan konsisten hingga sampai ke peti undi pada 26 Ogos 2008.Wassalam.DATO’ HAJI NIK ABDUL AZIZ BIN NIK MATMursyidul Am PAS
Dicatat oleh pemudabesut di 12:25 AM
thanks to Malaysiakini & Pemudabesut ....
Alhamdulillah. Setelah sempat mengikuti sendiri proses penamaan calon di Permatang Pauh pada 16 Ogos 2008, sedarlah saya yang ia adalah sebuah pilihan raya kecil yang amat sengit. UMNO/BN melihat pertarungan ini perlu memberi kemenangan mandatori kerana kekalahan boleh membawa kepada Pakatan Rakyat maju ke hadapan untuk mara ke Putrajaya. Mereka cukup takut kedatangan tanggal 16 September 2008 kerana di sana ada sesuatu yang mereka percaya akan berlaku. Jadi menyekat DSAI adalah menjadi keutamaan mereka yang paling atas.Saudara/Saudari Sekalian,Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sedang berkempen untuk menghadapi Pilihan Raya Kecil Parlimen Permatang Pauh yang akan berlangsung pada 26 Ogos 2008 nanti. Kita semua maklum bahawa penyertaan beliau dalam pilihan raya kecil ini adalah untuk meneruskan perjuangan menegakkan keadilan sekaligus menentang penyalahgunaan kuasa, penyelewengan dan rasuah dalam pemerintahan negara seperti yang sedang kalut diperkatakan di dada-dada akhbar. Semua ini untuk membetulkan landasan supaya negara kita selamat dari ancaman kegelinciran iman, aqidah dan taqwa kepada Allah S.W.T.Walaupun telah dihina dan diaibkan dengan teruk 10 tahun lalu, saya perhatikan musuh-musuh yang tidak berperikemanusiaan tidak pernah puas untuk menzalimi beliau. Dengan modal yang sama, sekali lagi beliau difitnah dengan tuduhan yang tidak tergamak untuk saya menyebutnya.Saya tetap dengan pendirian bahawa fitnah terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar adalah konspirasi politik. Saya juga berpendirian bahawa sumpah yang dibuat oleh orang yang menuduh baru-baru ini penuh dengan persoalan dan keraguan.Atas kesedaran ini, jauh dari dasar hati biarpun terlantar di katil hospital, izinkan saya menggagahkan diri, merayu seluruh rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan fahaman politik menentang keras budaya fitnah dan konspirasi yang menjelekkan seumpama ini. Sikap protes ini harus lantang dan konsisten hingga sampai ke peti undi pada 26 Ogos 2008.Wassalam.DATO’ HAJI NIK ABDUL AZIZ BIN NIK MATMursyidul Am PAS
Dicatat oleh pemudabesut di 12:25 AM
Monday, August 11, 2008
conversion and bar council forum
i missed the forum. regret. actually in this century , we Malaysians should be ready to talk about religious - all religion without any worries and doubts. If you are fair minded , immeterial of your religious and cultural background you will be well equipped to accept ideas and suggestions. No one has the RIGHTS to question the pillars or fundamental core issues of a religion... I dont think that Bar Council is out to redicule any religion here... The era now is to move forward - exchange of information , idea - knowledge etc ... we should be free to talk and appreciate each other's opinion even if we do not agree to it.. Perhaps Bar Council will get the backing of all NGOs including all religious NGOs for a more closed-door gathering in future... I thank Datuk Ambika. lets put this chapter aside and move forward for a better understanding ....
Friday, August 8, 2008
chandra muzzafar .... I CANT HEAR YOU
Mr.chandra muzzafar has no rights to question his former 'boss' anwar ibrahim for forming a new government via back door as reported in Malaysiakini today. Chandra once a staunch supporter of DSAI when he was the finance minister.... Later he became Deputy president of Keadilan contested in Bandar Tun Razak parlimentary seat and lost it.. It was a blessing that he left Keadilan... Now he has formed a movement called JUST and speak for world peace and harmony. Recently there was an International conference on religion and peace held in KL officiated by PM Abdullah.
He seems to be championing all social issues globally EXCEPT for his own country - Malaysia.... Generally, Malaysians do not give a damn to his opinions. People see him as an opportunist. I see no offence in MPs want to crossover to another party that is ready to bring about CHANGE ... for the betterment of the people and the country. Anwar is no pushover , he was the country's Deputy PM and Finance Minister. He has not only the malay majority support BUT most of Chinese , Indians let alone Sabahans and Sarawakians are behind him. It is a FORCE - PEOPLE'S POWER - MAKKAL SAKTHI , Chandra ... You missed the boat Brother .... Stay where you are JUST.
He seems to be championing all social issues globally EXCEPT for his own country - Malaysia.... Generally, Malaysians do not give a damn to his opinions. People see him as an opportunist. I see no offence in MPs want to crossover to another party that is ready to bring about CHANGE ... for the betterment of the people and the country. Anwar is no pushover , he was the country's Deputy PM and Finance Minister. He has not only the malay majority support BUT most of Chinese , Indians let alone Sabahans and Sarawakians are behind him. It is a FORCE - PEOPLE'S POWER - MAKKAL SAKTHI , Chandra ... You missed the boat Brother .... Stay where you are JUST.
.....forum on conversion
the malaysian bar council is going ahead with the forum on religious conversion tomorrow despite several objections from individuals and NGOs.... The issue I believe will be handle with care but objective by invited speakers. Public attending the forum should go with an open mind and share opinion and ideas for all well being. As a Hindu , I believe everyone has the right to practice their religion as mentioned in our Rukun Negara - Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan and no one should be forced into something that they do not wish to do ....
I also would like to take into task the many Hindu NGOs and major temples for their negligence in propagating the religion and proper teaching of Hinduism to the younger generation.. when WE fail ; we go around and blame the whole system... Hindu NGOs in malaysia need new leadership with selfless and broad minded..
I also would like to take into task the many Hindu NGOs and major temples for their negligence in propagating the religion and proper teaching of Hinduism to the younger generation.. when WE fail ; we go around and blame the whole system... Hindu NGOs in malaysia need new leadership with selfless and broad minded..
Thursday, August 7, 2008
we are getting too tired of politicing. ENOUGH ... we have to move on .. business has to go on -people -nation want peace and prosperity. Government 's priority is to ensure PnP are in tact.
2008 is the year of sacrifices - for good and for bad...
all levels and walks of people are eagerly waiting the nation's recovery time ... we need a capable finance minister - smart and selfess - recognised by economic pundits- the current FM1 and 2 are hopeless ... not fit to be there ... I can say Dr.M did a better job anyway ... we need a sacrificial ceremony - FM2 has to go ....
2008 is the year of sacrifices - for good and for bad...
all levels and walks of people are eagerly waiting the nation's recovery time ... we need a capable finance minister - smart and selfess - recognised by economic pundits- the current FM1 and 2 are hopeless ... not fit to be there ... I can say Dr.M did a better job anyway ... we need a sacrificial ceremony - FM2 has to go ....
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
As the nation going to witness a trail soon on another allegation of sodomy on FDPM anwar ibrahim. One wonder how Malaysians , especifically malay muslims will take it .. a series of embarassement ,when a national leader is being charged again for a similar offence.
we are not short of cases of same nature .. some time back this year , an MP , a former minister was reported to conduct sexual molest against a sales girl in a leading hotel in KL . The case was reported to police but since it is very silent now... the MP is reported to be close associate of a senior Minister.One wonder why there is no news on this case...
Not forgeting the Altantuya murder trail , and bro. bala's SD ....
I think the Proposed Cabinet for Pakatan Rakyat with YB DS HJ.Hadi as PM is a good idea. Nation need a new wake up - so far PAS is clean from all these scandals .... Hadi is a better choice for the moment ... Anwar can still wait...
we are not short of cases of same nature .. some time back this year , an MP , a former minister was reported to conduct sexual molest against a sales girl in a leading hotel in KL . The case was reported to police but since it is very silent now... the MP is reported to be close associate of a senior Minister.One wonder why there is no news on this case...
Not forgeting the Altantuya murder trail , and bro. bala's SD ....
I think the Proposed Cabinet for Pakatan Rakyat with YB DS HJ.Hadi as PM is a good idea. Nation need a new wake up - so far PAS is clean from all these scandals .... Hadi is a better choice for the moment ... Anwar can still wait...
Friday, July 25, 2008
when you are weak admit and give way
the latest merc scandal in terengganu state government is yet another clear evidence that the Chief is not in control. He is weak , very weak.
He decides against his own directive , his cabinet directive to use local made proton perdana instead of merc. At las the chief minister of Trengganu won... another victory for him after a 'coup' to become the new CM .
Oh God , we have a WEAK PM , he cant even decides what is right for the people ... I always share this with my friends ... during difficult time the PM suggest bi-monthly salary for civil servants . Oh , what a brilliant idea , thank God Cuepacs came to rescue. How could one split his salary into half during hard time brother ? the idea may be good for newly employeed people but not the exisiting workforce...wonder whose idea is this ? 2nd hand finance minister ?
He decides against his own directive , his cabinet directive to use local made proton perdana instead of merc. At las the chief minister of Trengganu won... another victory for him after a 'coup' to become the new CM .
Oh God , we have a WEAK PM , he cant even decides what is right for the people ... I always share this with my friends ... during difficult time the PM suggest bi-monthly salary for civil servants . Oh , what a brilliant idea , thank God Cuepacs came to rescue. How could one split his salary into half during hard time brother ? the idea may be good for newly employeed people but not the exisiting workforce...wonder whose idea is this ? 2nd hand finance minister ?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
constituitional monarch
In his speech by the Prince of Perak recently , His highness expressed concerned on dragging palace into local politics. He stressed the strict discipline that need to put in practice and draw a clear line between politics and palace. His apt remarks help ease the wrong perception by people/his subject in general the role of palace.
Malaysians in total respect the palace and hold them as symbol of pride , culture and unity... May His Highness's views and stand will be shared and practiced by all in the respected positions.
Malaysians in total respect the palace and hold them as symbol of pride , culture and unity... May His Highness's views and stand will be shared and practiced by all in the respected positions.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Hello YB , Do you know the meaning of TEPAT ?
The arrest of Anwar Ibrahim yesterday before 2 pm deadline is an act of I shall call it un- professional . It is a shame on our police authority. Segambut to KL during non peak hours takes you only 15 minutes to arrive... And The DeputyHome Minister as reported in dailies to day when asked ,,,, why the police had not waited until 2pm before making the arrest, WanFarid said: "What's the difference between 20 or 50 minutes?"What a STUPID reply ... TEPAT a slogan used by police means exact ; even 1 minute makes different YB ; It shows one's mentality of being so ignorant , uneducated and speak before thinking !! Do you deserve a man like him as a minister ? It shows how poor minded Pak Lah's cabinet is,.
arrest ? politically motivated
the whole nation is stunned again after news of former Deputy Prime Minister being arrested today. less than 24 hours after the live debate with the government minister that saw Anwar's credibility in leadership ; he is now under police custody. Call to remain calm by Anwar is most welcomed since choas will not do any good for him and the party. The PM in waiting has nation wide supporters and will surely come out free to lead the nation....acid test for PR and his supporters...by the way is Bala around ?
Monday, July 14, 2008
difficult time ; work overtime
When world is facing financial crisis , we have to battle it out , fight poverty , engage new trade ideas like barter system and stand against our friendly competitors in this region.
But sad to notice that we have ongoing political problems than any of our neighbouring countries like Singapore and Indonesia and Vietnam....
Pro-long political instability is not a good sign for a developing nation like Malaysia. Political parties now should put nation above party interest. Ruling or opposition party should know their constructive role in nation building . If this is a new experience , then learn from Indonesia , India , UK and United States - on how to BEHAVE as ruling and opposition governments....in a 2 party system / government.
The post GE 12 is a Change in our political environment - we are ' the people want a 2 party ststem .. we will keep one and throw the other if one doesnt perform. people have option now unlike before -now we have BN and PR .
The power is with the people. BN or PR can go and come ... people stays . 3-4 years arent a long period ; so work , work and work .... I believe the CM of Penang is on the right track - and I hope all CMs will follow his style of managing states... even the seasoned BN MBs need to learn 1 or 2 tricks from YAB Lim...
Be a Pro-YB .......
But sad to notice that we have ongoing political problems than any of our neighbouring countries like Singapore and Indonesia and Vietnam....
Pro-long political instability is not a good sign for a developing nation like Malaysia. Political parties now should put nation above party interest. Ruling or opposition party should know their constructive role in nation building . If this is a new experience , then learn from Indonesia , India , UK and United States - on how to BEHAVE as ruling and opposition governments....in a 2 party system / government.
The post GE 12 is a Change in our political environment - we are ' the people want a 2 party ststem .. we will keep one and throw the other if one doesnt perform. people have option now unlike before -now we have BN and PR .
The power is with the people. BN or PR can go and come ... people stays . 3-4 years arent a long period ; so work , work and work .... I believe the CM of Penang is on the right track - and I hope all CMs will follow his style of managing states... even the seasoned BN MBs need to learn 1 or 2 tricks from YAB Lim...
Be a Pro-YB .......
Friday, July 4, 2008
Because truth alone prevail. P.Balasubramaniam , I appeal to you as a malaysian Indian to speak only the truth and come out clean because its no longer you as an individual ... your act affected the national leaders and the nation. your U-turn act within 24 hrs made us the malaysian Indian look as if we are people of lier , insincere , opportunist etc .. remember one BN state assemblywoman's racist remark recently .. I hope no Malaysians will do this in future - whole wolrd is looking at us , this is not the attitude of malaysians in general , i hope quick justice must take place , justice delayed ; justice denied .remember that God is Truth
Saturday, June 28, 2008
just want hurdle for PM in waiting
Yesterday's late night news claiming police arrest on anwar ibrahim , the former DPM , now believe by people the next PM. One must remember he has more support than before... more Indian and Chinese are behind you.... If you trust in God ... Go ahead DSAI , you are the only hope of the nation... WE PRAY FOR YOU ANWAR.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I saw Kamal Hassan's latest movie Dasavatharam { 10 reincarnation} in cinema. Paid extra rate to watch the most expensive movie ever from Tamil Nadu. Again Kamal took the risk of touching heavy issues on screen. Typical viewers want a light and easy subject - a good storyline with some laughs .... Like any other movies produced in India.
I believe he wanted to send a message out to people on preserving mother earth , unity and love .He demonstrated his multi-talent in a very superb manner. He is definately next to Sivaji Ganesan.
I wish him more success and hope to see him as a successful film director in future.
In this century Kamal is cinema , Cinema is Kamal . Bravo .
I believe he wanted to send a message out to people on preserving mother earth , unity and love .He demonstrated his multi-talent in a very superb manner. He is definately next to Sivaji Ganesan.
I wish him more success and hope to see him as a successful film director in future.
In this century Kamal is cinema , Cinema is Kamal . Bravo .
Friday, June 20, 2008
last night I happened to meet Razak my old friend at setapak. we chat all stories from politics to families. when parting I told him to pray hard for Portugal to win - his favorite team ; unfortunately my friend did not subscribes to astro and hence will not be able to watch the game live...... Well CELCOM this is really unfair to people who solely rely on free tv channels like rtm and the other private channels like tv3 , 7, 8, anf 9 .
I do not know whom to be blamed for the match distribution and why astro has all the matches and Media Prima dont ? Who pays for the rights fee astro or media prima?
THE local viewers of free channels deserve fair treatment ...
I am sorry Razak.
I do not know whom to be blamed for the match distribution and why astro has all the matches and Media Prima dont ? Who pays for the rights fee astro or media prima?
THE local viewers of free channels deserve fair treatment ...
I am sorry Razak.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
create asean TV channel
In today' s NST pg.2 , " Professor Dr.Dewi Fortuna Anwar has mentioned that there was a continuing lack of trust among asean families.She further claimed that the Indo-Malaysia relationships is at a low point since Indonesia became more democratic. She added freedom of Indonesia media had let to strident criticsms of Malaysia"
Creation of asean TV will bring the ties between the government and people of each other nation closer . I believe satellite channel operator ASTRO should play a social role here...
Prof. Dr.Dewi is the Director for programming and research at the Habibie Centre in Indonesia.
Creation of asean TV will bring the ties between the government and people of each other nation closer . I believe satellite channel operator ASTRO should play a social role here...
Prof. Dr.Dewi is the Director for programming and research at the Habibie Centre in Indonesia.
Tun Mahathir , Sorry you to be blamed too
TM has blamed Samy for MIC's defeat in recent GE. He further claimed that Samy is a lousy selfish leader .TM also accused him of letting the community down. My concern is Tun you too let the community down , you are the supremo of BN and a powerful PM for 22 years why then you kept quite about Samy -just because MIC was delivering 100% victory in the past GE , so you choose to close one eye ? You assumed the Indian vote bank are solidly behind BN so why rock the boat then... again the issue here is not community care but vote bank and political survival of individual. TM also accused Samy of not letting the other Indian based parties to join BN ...Samy veto the entry of any other party and kept MIC as the sole rep of indian community.Again , its not Samy alone to be blamed , its your BN rules that practice the veto system. I appeal to Hon. TM and Samy to take a complete break from political mainstream and if at along they want to chat and let go their frustration - go private.
family head should be respected
on the day i give birth to my blog ; the family head of my nation ; the PM is slapped with a move to call for vote of no confidence.... first time in malaysian history. not a good start for me
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
start with my land as a family
i must not dream for world as one family yet ; my dream is to see malaysia as one family , after 50 years of freedom , we are heading nowhere . people's mindset must change and CHANGE is the magic mantra ....
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