Friday, September 12, 2008


as reported in Malaysiakini news - Saudara Raja petra has gone to kamunting to join Hindraf and other brothers there. It is a sad day indeed for democracy , while Malaysians in general were preparing to celebrate 619 , this news affected our feeling a little bit down BUT NOT OUT.

the nation is waiting for saudara Anwar to take the lead and form the new government in a near future. There is no hurry but at the same time not to delay the formation of new government. DAP and PAS - must listen to MAKKAL SAKTHI - people's power and support Keadian in forming a new and JUST government ... do not get me wrong JUST has no relation with the NGO know .. 3 days ago I was at the Chinese Assembly hall listening to Sdr Hisamudin Rais , YB Sivarasah and others in a forum ... YB Siva was in particular confident about the CHANGE , sdr Hisam was true to his spirit.. asking PAKATAN not to copy BN ..there must be structural changes... well , people has a choice now in a 2 party system....

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