Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hello YB , Do you know the meaning of TEPAT ?

The arrest of Anwar Ibrahim yesterday before 2 pm deadline is an act of I shall call it un- professional . It is a shame on our police authority. Segambut to KL during non peak hours takes you only 15 minutes to arrive... And The DeputyHome Minister as reported in dailies to day when asked ,,,, why the police had not waited until 2pm before making the arrest, WanFarid said: "What's the difference between 20 or 50 minutes?"What a STUPID reply ... TEPAT a slogan used by police means exact ; even 1 minute makes different YB ; It shows one's mentality of being so ignorant , uneducated and speak before thinking !! Do you deserve a man like him as a minister ? It shows how poor minded Pak Lah's cabinet is,.

1 comment:

Robin HooD said...

They are bloody stupid minister. They do not know what the meaning by UMNO itself. Everybody knew UMNO is UNITED MONKEYS NAME ORGANISATION.