Sunday, March 8, 2009

Declining standard of English in Malaysia

You blame the system. English was treated as a non-compulsary subject ;equalent to an art or a moral subject. You can move further even if you failed in your exams.

The method used to teach English was to get people thru the exam rather than having good command of the language - both written and spoken.

As a result many school leavers speak poor English.

Look at our fellow ASEAN members - take Indonesia for that matter ; their group of educated people speak good English- just watch their government officials ; MPs and ministers speaks- well in English while maintain their ability to speak in Bahasa Indonesia.

AS such it was the policy before that has short term political milage that destroyed our standard of English

The victim - children from middle class and poor families .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the problem with us is...we trying to speak in british or american slang of english....

i have no problem when ppl speaks in malaysian-style-english...provided with good indonesian...they speaks good english eventhough their slang is very ''pekat''...